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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Opinions on m-1 shoulder pads

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I found some going pretty cheap and was curious if anyone has had any experience with them. I'm looking for a something that would provide good protection, say 8 out of 10, and still be very flexible.

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Never tried Mission for shoulder pads so I can't help you. Maybe someone else on the thread has tried them.

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I had these for a couple of days. When I got them home, I decided that they were just too huge. I felt like they were much, much bigger than I wanted despite being "low cap". Didn't play in them though, so can't really speak to the mobility or protection.

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I have played in them for a season and overall I am OK with them, although I think i could have looked harder and found something a bit better. I think the bicep protectors hang too far so I had a patch of velcro sewn on so they they would hit my arm a bit higher up. I also think they look a bit bulky and the oversized shoulder cap looks a little out of proportion. I feel the best aspect of these is the mobility. I really felt like I had nothing restricting my mobility, but to each his own. Try on a few pairs if possible before deciding on these.

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