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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which tacks are the best for the buck?

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In a nutshell, which are the best deal for overall quality and durability? '04 952 tacks for $149, '04 852 tacks for $129, or current year 892 tacks for $249. Nothing specific about each one, just all things being equal, which would everyone recommend?

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martywest, those skates had lots of problems. prolite 3s break, the tendon guard on those skates would break down, crappy tounge, crappy outsoles, most of the skates IMO were too stiff and im pretty sure there was a screwy fit, thats just IMO

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martywest, those skates had lots of problems. prolite 3s break, the tendon guard on those skates would break down, crappy tounge, crappy outsoles, most of the skates IMO were too stiff and im pretty sure there was a screwy fit, thats just IMO

i know that all too well

the tendon guard does bust down pretty easily, loses it's stiffness real fast and the fit is just bad.

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New quarter package, tounge and lace lock on the 05' should steer you towards them. Agreed with the statement that Prolite 3's are crappy.

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i had a pair of 1152s the first year they came out, they were heavy stiff bad fit, IMO sucked and i also had a pair of 1052s and the sole actually ripped off the boot

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martywest, those skates had lots of problems.  prolite 3s break, the tendon guard on those skates would break down, crappy tounge, crappy outsoles, most of the skates IMO were too stiff and im pretty sure there was a screwy fit, thats just IMO

From what i know, the tendon guards problem only occurs in 2002 CCM Tacks skates. After very short periods of time (often the first hour on the ice) these tendon guards snap inside. CCM adressed this problem in the 2003/2004 line. The fit off CCM skates run pretty similar over time.

I would go with '04 852 tacks for $129. You can buy (allmost) 2 sets for the same amount as the 05 892:s now these are great skates. I've had 2 pairs off them, and they've hold up very well. Put some Protec Toe on the toe caps before using them (won't fix toe fabric that is already torniceable) as toe covering is one of the first places that a skate gets worn out. It is also one of the most noticeble. Even though torn toe fabric is purely cosmetic, it is ugly!

As to answear your question - "Which tacks are the best for the buck?" I'd say 04 852 tacks for $129.

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Yes the 852 is a phenominal buy. It has top of the line features at a middle of the line price and its dead centre of the CCM skate line. This skate can be used all the way up to the pro level. Can't get much better than that! ;)

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