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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Photosop experts! .... a jersey

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Im not good at all with photoshop ;) , so with that being said can anyone take this Washington Nationals baseball jersey and write 'VERCHERES' in the middle with the same type of letter if possible. :D

Heres the away jersey

AWAY Jersey

Heres the home jersey

HOME Jersey

Thanks in advance! :P

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The font on that site was horrible and not remotely close to the actual Nationals Font, but this is what I came up with it. It gives you a general idea of what it would look like.



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I didn't want to start a new topic so there wasnt too many photoshop threads but I was wondering if anyone would want to make me a cover for next years yearbook?

1.On the front there would be an orange and black dragon

2.somewhere also on the front there will be lettering that says BHS( Brunswick High School) in Orange with a white outline

if anyone has time and wants to try and make something up that'd be alot of help and very greatful..

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Sorry, as a caps fan, I am diametrically opposed to anything in flyers colours!!!

Is there a specific dragon type pic you are thinking of, or just like the outline, or could you maybe be a bit more specific.

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