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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ice to Inline Conversion With Old Chassis

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I've got an old U.S. Hockey Research chassis that I'd like to mount to a nice high quality boot. I still like the old 1.5mm front and back rocker setup is why I'm using this chassis (and because it's paid for). The rear mounting plate on the chassis has a pretty large footprint. I held it up to my old CCM VacuTac 652 ice boot and the plate would overlap the heel area in that skate by quite a bit. I was at the LHS the other day and just eyeballing boots like the CCM Vector Pro, 952 and Bauer XX's it seemed like they wouldn't have a wide enough heel area to accomodate the rear mounting plate either. Does anyone have any suggestions for a quality ice boot that might work? Do roller specific boots have a wider heel area in general, and would I have better luck with say a Mission 5500 and doing a chassis swap? Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!

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I can see how you want to save money, but it may be time to move on. A Red Star E-Frame is your best bet at the moment, so go for that. It fits on all boots, so no need to worry about a huge footprint. However, if you must, try to find some Bauer 20-90 or 50-90 ice boots on hockeygiant. I think they have a wider heel area.

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word, i wound up picking up a pair of 2005 beemers that they have on closeout on epuck.com. great skates and after a few practice spins i'm picking up on the non-rockered setup. couple of more sessions and i think i'll be ready to switch to them full time. i guess this is the end of the rockered era for me.

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