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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller hockey: question

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i have a question...... if you baught rbk 8k pumps roller blades could you take the chassis off and put holders on them for ice hockey? i am curious because i like the 8k pump roller skates but i want them for ice hockey due to the fact that i dont play roller hockey.

let me know if anyone here has tried it.

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why dont you just get 9K pumps, after you have the holder removed, and buy ice hockey holders, and pay to have them installed, it will have probaly been cheaper to get 9K pumps

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That doesn't even make sense, what are you going by looks? The 9K is easily the better choice for ice hockey. I'm sure there aren't a ton of differences, but besides being cheaper, I'm sure the 9K since it is built intended for ice hockey is more durable than the 8K roller hockey skate.

I mean you probably could, but it'd be expensive, and I really don't know how well they would hold up for ice hockey.

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yea ...i dont know i jst like the looks of the 8k pump lol

Thats just stupid then.

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get some ductape for your ankles you bender


anyways, speaking as a roller hockey player, a lot of the boots I have seen contain a lot of leather around the ankle area - and surely they wudnt last long on the ice since water and leather dont mix to make a strong boot.

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