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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skype-Out Now Free

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For all who use skype. As of today you can call land lines and cell phones across canada and the US for free.

Check it out. www.skype.com

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Currently, the calls are only free until the end of the year.

"Calls to friends and family on Skype have always been free. Now we've made calls within the US and Canada to all phones totally free till the end of the year.

Starting from today it doesn't matter if it's a Skype-to-Skype call or a call to landline or mobile phone - it's free as long as you're calling from within the US or Canada to US or Canadian phone number."

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That’s pretty cool sounding I have never heard of the program. Do you have to pay for this, and how does it work?

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uses voip, its free, and its very high quality. All you need is a microphone and some speakers. You can go computer to computer (skype to skype) or you can use skype out which calls up regular phones

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