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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Toronto Maple Leafs rink rat hat

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Hello, my friend is looking to buy this new novelty item. I believe its called a rink rat hat, its basically a toque designed to look like a hockey helmet. On television I saw a couple of Toronto Maple Leafs fans wearing a CCM hockey helmet design toque and now my friend wants to buy one.

I think its great for wearing at a hockey game or playing outdoor shinny.

I did some searching on the internet but could not find the one I saw on television which is an excellent blue coloured replica of the actual Leafs CCM helmet. I did find one rink rat hat but this one does not look as good as the ones I saw on tv.


I think there are also Montreal Canadien rink rat hats too.

Does anyone know where I can buy one ?


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i have that hat...35 bucks at headquaters in eatons

Headquaters ? in the Eaton Centre ?

I am close to the Eaton Centre but I have never heard of that store. Can you tell where it is ?


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Fastmiele -

You're in luck...I have that exact hat in my store.

Thanks JR, if I can't find that hat at Headquaters or the Leafs store I will buy it from you.

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