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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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glove help

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so i just got in a pair of rangers pro stock vapor xxx gloves... i am not very knowledgeable about gloves. i have heard that vapors have an ultra thin palm... but the palm and gussets of this glove are made of some leather that is actually thicker than the ones on my l-3 gloves. this material is smooth with a suede-like texture and is a very light tan color and like i said it is really thick. personally i love it...

so, what kind of material is it?? is this called nash?

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I'm pretty sure the XXX's come with Nash palms, perhaps you just have a thicker cut of it?

I have the gloves and nobody could describe the palms as being 'thick', they are pretty much as thin as a golf glove.

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I'm pretty sure the XXX's come with Nash palms, perhaps you just have a thicker cut of it?

I have the gloves and nobody could describe the palms as being 'thick', they are pretty much as thin as a golf glove.

But he has a Pro Return glove, so it may be different. Pro's would probably be made thicker because more usage etc..

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yea the oilers pro returns i have seen that come into my store are not the nash palms like my retail xxx's either.

there more of a like eagle palm thicker than the xxx's by a long shot

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