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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The program you are talking about is by parallels, its been out for over a month. It does emulate windows xp.

This has been around for years (in the form of virtual pc) but it is faster now because you do not have to emulate x86 arcitecture.

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Just so we're clear, RISC is superior to x86 architecture. THat was proven a long time ago, and even though Intel marketed better and became more popular, it took them how many years? 10? before they hacked their chipset enough to make it acutally perform any better than the RISC chips. If computers were running on RISC right now, the world would be a slightly better place. Alas, ignorance teamed up with marketing to get rid of a good thing, once again. You can still buy RISC based procs from YellowDog, who has a contract for procs from some manufacturer.

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in real world situations intel (x86) vs. PowerPC (RISC), x86 is superior. Anybody can argue about which way of processing the data is superior, but intel makes a better chip for a home pc than IBM does. If a processor that has the same clockspeed runs 4x slower and takes up the same amount (or similar) of wattage, which would you choose?

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