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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salming Protector Lite Pants

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Reviewer background: 5'2", 125 lb beer league/rec skater just starting ice after not having played since Midgets.

Duration of time product used: 4 s/p sessions, 4 games.

Fit: Good. If anything these pants are slightly too big for me. I have to keep the 2 belts cinched up tight to keep the pants up. It moves pretty well for something so padded, and the crotch stretches very nicely. Another great teature is the unzippable inside legs. 9/10.

Protection: Great! Being a new skater I tend to fall on my arse a lot and the coccyx/butt protectors are awesome. The pant meshes well with my Itech compression jock. Hip and kidney protection ride a little high, but I have a short torso so it my fit better on taller folks. The spine protector sits nice and high up on my back too, but I'm not complaining. It augments my shoulderpads nicely. Thigh protectors are beefy and removable presumably so you can wash the pants in a washing machine. 10/10

Weight: Good for this level of protection. I don't really notice it when they're wet or when I'm tired. 9/10

Durability: I don't skate or play very often so it's been good so far. The pants are well-constructed enough that I can tell durability won't be an issue. 10/10

Intangibles: I like that the pants are essentially 2-piece, in that the padding (or much if it) can be unbuttoned from the rest of the pant and removed for washing. The anti-bacterial material on the interior is a nice addition. Cost was a pretty big issue as well. USD$55 for a top-line pant from a company? Even with the $30 shipping it was worth it. I ordered them from Salming Canada but this was the longest shipment from ONT I have ever had. 2 months in customs? Ridiculous... 9/10, -1 point for Canadian customs, but it's not Salming's fault, I guess.

Conclusion: It's a nice pair of pants for the money, and more than likely more protection than I need. An amazing deal if you are a patient fellow. Highly reccommended.

Overall review : 47/50 or 95%.

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