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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocker Question

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I know ive been here fora while, but ive never completly understood the point of a rocker (i.e. Sakic). What is the point of a rocker? Is it so you can adjust when yous stickhandle and shoot or what? Can someone give me a decent explanation of why someone would choose a rocker over a flat lie blade?

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The rocker on blade allows you to have, theoretically, a small portion of the blade on the ice at all times. A "true lie" blade is either all or nothing on the ice. A true lie works great if you always receive a pass in the perfect area, and/or you are in the best shooting position to pull of a shot. For obvious reasons, we dont always recieve passes where we like, and we cant always shoot properly. So really, assuming you have the coordination, a rockered blade is great if you can make sure that your "small portion" of the blade is on the ice where you want it. For example, when takeing a puck off the boards with a sackic, you have to make sure the toe is on the ice. Where as a lidstrom, you can just put it in the boards unconciously. For shooting, it helps when you have to shoot with the puck close to your feet. Basically, the rocker puts a little of the blade on the ice at all times.

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