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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks of Fury

Stanley Cup Final Losers

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Carolina, Buffalo and Anaheim all have made it to the finals before and even game 7 too. Now they all have a second chance to redeem themselves now in the final four. If Calgary was there instead of Edmonton we would have a sweep! :)

Just an interesting tidbit.

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Carolina, Buffalo and Anaheim all have made it to the finals before and even game 7 too.  Now they all have a second chance to redeem themselves now in the final four.  If Calgary was there instead of Edmonton we would have a sweep!  :)

Just an interesting tidbit.

Your game 7 theory doesn't fly because Detroit beat Carolina in 5, and Dallas beat Buffalo in 6.

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Carolina, Buffalo and Anaheim all have made it to the finals before and even game 7 too.  Now they all have a second chance to redeem themselves now in the final four.  If Calgary was there instead of Edmonton we would have a sweep!  :)

Just an interesting tidbit.

Your game 7 theory doesn't fly because Detroit beat Carolina in 5, and Dallas beat Buffalo in 6.

A common assumption is that the Dallas-Buffalo series was 7 games because the media plays up the "no goal" in the OT of game 6 and acts like that call lost Buffalo the Cup..

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Well at least you were right about Calgary, they did go to a game 7. They get mad props from me and personally I think they should not have been eliminated from playoffs by Aheheim this year :(

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