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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another curve question

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My friend loves this curve but the Jagr curve is getting harder to find. He asked me to see if I could find something close to it. If any of you could help I appreciate it, thanks.

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A member on here sent me this:

if it's the closed face it's P38 Datsyuk if it is an open face it's P32 Pronger. I have a Koho woodie Jagr that is closed like a Datsyuk and then I have blades that are open faced like the P32 Pronger. Bauer's P106 is similar but the lie is different. Another possibility I looked at was Warrior Weight, not 100% sure about that though. I actually have a long list of curves to think about that could be close. At the very least curves that wouldn't be a huge change. Including CCM Lecavalier, possibly CCM Doan and RBK P34 Modano (both mid-heels).

Ones that look similar online that I haven't compared in person are Sherwood St. Louis and Bouchard, Mission Elias and Leopold 2. Hope that helps, I personally like the open faced Jagr curve that's on my blades so I'm leaning towards a P32 curve.

What do you guys think? Is that information accurate? I really have no clue.

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