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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock Doctor v 2.0 Footbeds in Rbk 9k?

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Okay, i just got my new rbk 9k's (i sent my broken ones back because the air bags broke), and i bought the 2.0 shockdoctor footbeds just for fun to try out. the skates are 10D, and i got the shockdock size 8.5-10.5 or something like that. I should be wearing rbk 10.5's, but i like the tighter fit of the 10's, and i feel fine in them. My question is, because the shockdoc footbeds are so much thicker, will there be no more room left for my feet? also, are these two products compatible with each other? is there really any advantage to using the shockdocs, or should i just stay with the stock 'thrusters'? thanks!

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I put shock dr. hockey footbeds in my already snug fit 703's about a year ago and yeah, the thickness made them feel a bit smaller. Not so much lengthwise as depthwise.

However, over time I think my boots stretched to accomidate this and now they feel just fine.

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