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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wat would b the best bearings to invest in if i wanted speed

also is there any easy way to get them out of wheels im pretty new to roller hockey buy the way

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swiss bones super 6.... end of question no one else needs to answer. B) these are not the best, these are the best of the BEST.

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those are not better... those ninja and the swiss super 6 are both ceramix bearings the only reason why those are still $300 is because that was the price when they first came out like years ago and epuck hasen't changed their price during that time. you can get the normal swiss ceramix bearings that are the same as those... the super 6 and the MOC bearings are only "new" bearing designs out there and the super 6 kill the MOC bearings.

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those are not better... those ninja and the swiss super 6 are both ceramix bearings the only reason why those are still $300 is because that was the price when they first came out like years ago and epuck hasen't changed their price during that time. you can get the normal swiss ceramix bearings that are the same as those... the super 6 and the MOC bearings are only "new" bearing designs out there and the super 6 kill the MOC bearings.

Yeh but the box the Ninjas come in look soooo much better! lol

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ebay or just do a search on "swiss bones super 6 bearings" on google and you'll fine a ton of places that sell them online and reviews as well

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I've read good things about the MOC bearings. I can't say for sure as I will only skate on my first set in a couple of weeks time.

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What do you guys use to clean out your bearings?

I use Sonic Turbo Wash (available at EPuck here)

It's really good, quick and easy to use and made my bearings feel like new!

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