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ccm vector v130

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i noticed that there were no reviews in the review section so i was looking for some information on the vector v130

durability, shooting, passing, stickhandling, weight

any info will be appreciated

also, any full reviews would be amazing


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i found some good stuff but not exactly what i was looking for

im wonderin about blade stiffnes, stick performance, and overall feel

i'm not so much worried about durability because i'm fairly small and i dont break sticks much

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Yeah actually I had the same questions that you did so i read the threads that whbd pointed out, and I found out all the info you were looking for and more.

Your concern seems to be durability. After reading the threads noted above, it would appear that the v130 has generally great durability. But people have other issues with them. You could read the thread to find out there concerns, otherwise let me know of you are worried about something other than durability, and I will read the threads and find out.

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yeah, thanks for the info but the reason i said i couldnt find what i was looking for is because everyone comments solely on the durability. that isnt a problem i need to worry about. i need to know about the things i listed in my last post

thanks anyway

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Yeah sorry. My point was all those things are addressed in those posts. People wondered, if the durability is so good, then why don't they sell? And then it was responded that the thicker blade kinda turned people off etc. So my take is that the feel might be compromised. But then a lot of people noted that some really good players in the NHL are using the stick, and they will go with what works. So it comes down to PP.

Honestly, I can't really help you cause my only concern is durability. I'm big and I break sticks a lot with my shots alone, which is why I'm going to go for a Warrior or CCM next. But I'm sure if you look at those threads, you're going to find all the info about the performance of that stick that this forum is going to get you.

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If you shoot hard, don't go with Warrior.

What makes you say that, I'm a hard shooter and I lean on the stick quite a bit, and my 2 Innovatives lasted me a full season practicing 4 times a week and 2 games a week.

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I just don't get it man, ccm v-sticks uses texalium blade and IMO even thought its thicker, it gives good response and it is TOUGH, it win't bend or anything when you shoot.

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i just broke my v130 light flex playing junior b hockey one of the best sticks ive ever used blade wasnt that thick but it was very very solid.

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Because they fly open. At least that's been mine and others' experiences with them.

Yeah I don't understand what you're saying. Care to explain?

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Because they fly open.  At least that's been mine and others' experiences with them.

Yeah I don't understand what you're saying. Care to explain?

he means the shaft torques and throws your shot off. Kinda like a soft blade opening up on you when you shoot.

Some of the older warrior, inno threads talks about these if you're interested

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What Duder said, it doesn't feel constant if that makes any sense, and flies open. Can't really say if it's been fixed on a retail level because their flexes are too whippy for me. I have some Arnott Dolomites and it was better than before, but I still felt it.

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i just need to know what ccm curve is closest to the savard, forsberg, or tkachuk curves


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