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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton synergy 300

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Weight-not sure on the exact weight, but it is heavier then other Easton sticks. The 300 is a price point stick, so it isn't going to be light.

Length-it is the same as other Sr. Easton sticks

Greatness-Not great, not terrible. For the money there are better deals. For the same price you can get a CCM V120 or Mission M1. For about another $20 you can get a V130 or a Vapor XX.

If you comparing the 300 to the Stealth, the two sticks are no where close in terms of weight and performance. If you don't want to spend the money for the Stealth, I wouldn't drop all the way down to a Synergy 300. Look at close-out stick, you'll get a better stick at about the same price.

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I'd try and look for closeout sticks or find one on ebay or even look in the buy section of this forum. You'd probably get better bang for your buck, maybe even cheaper.

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what abuot the synthesis intermediate?

whats the length without a buttend?

The Synthesis is a good shaft. It's tapered so it will be closer in performance to a OPS than a standard shaft. It's all PP. See what you can find a good deal on. Icewarehouse.com list the Int. synthesis at 50 inches without a plug. I'm not sure if that accurate. Just email epuck, they're pretty accurate with their measurements.

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129.99 for 2 synthesis at hockeymonkey

Not a bad deal, but remember you still have to find a tapered blade in a curve you like.

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wahts better?

synthesis grip, synergy grip 2, or stealth cnt grip??

Define better. The Stealth is lighter, but you can easily replace the blades on the shafts. It's all PP. Get whatever you like more and can afford.

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Use the search button. There are several topics about the Synergy II. There are even topics comparing the Synthesis and Synergy II. For weights email an online retailer or see if the information is in the 06 catalogue.

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sorry man!!


i thought u didnt mind answering the ?'s i was asking because u so nicely were doing so

Not a problem. The other topics just have better information in them. Plus I haven't used the Synergy II yet. The other topics have some actual first hand accounts. Plus, you'll get the information faster by searching. ;)

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hey donkey, i don't know for you but in canada(montreal) a nice OPS(m-1,v120,xx,synergy) are all about 160-220(depend on the model) and the top are like 280-320(adrenaline,pulse,v130,stealth,XXX)

and the 300 is 85 and 350 is 95. so they are a pretty good saving in money.

My points was, it depends on where you live, for some it might be a good deal!LOL

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hey donkey, i don't know for you but in canada(montreal) a nice OPS(m-1,v120,xx,synergy) are all about 160-220(depend on the model) and the top are like 280-320(adrenaline,pulse,v130,stealth,XXX)

and the 300 is 85 and 350 is 95. so they are a pretty good saving in money.

My points was, it depends on where you live, for some it might be a good deal!LOL

True, it does depend on where you live, but if you live in the U.S. you can usually find a better deal. Where I live M1s,Response+, old Synergy and V120s are all under $100. Vapor XXs and V130s are right around $110-$115.

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I bought a two year old 110 from the LHS and it broke down much faster than expected. little things like the mesh stuff where the blade meets the shaft came detached. I used to think OPS didn't deteriorate with age like wood sticks. Now I believe they do. I would now buy a new Easton 300 before I bought a two year old XX.


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I played with a teamates 300 for abit tonight and man do they SUCK!!!!!

The blade feels dead, bounciness of a composite on passes but deadness of a woody on shits.

Oh and holy crap are these blade heavy!!!! You're honestly (imo) better off buying easton clasic woodies. The shaft also twists alot on shots and is very unpredictable.

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