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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Play it again - LA - Worth the trip?

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I am heading down to LA this weekend. I was wondering if its worth going by PIA sports to check out their pro-stock selection?

I am looking for some new sticks and possibly some shoulder pads.


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honestly, only if you have time to kill and dont drive for more then an hour to the place. last time i went, they had some used sticks for $60, but anything that looked usable or new was going for $100-$160

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I havn't been recently but I know that they had all the Kings sticks there over a month ago so I'm sure its been picked pretty clean.. I'm assuming your talking about Larry Robinson's Play it again in Torrance? because thats the one with the kings stuff, otherwise theres PIA all over la.

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yeah i went by there right before playoffs and there wasn't much left. there probably won't be anything new there since they're done. maybe plan a trip next season :P

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So all the LA sticks go to PIA in cali? the ones we have here (detroit) don't do anything like that :( and they won't buy sticks from me to resell

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