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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do OPS get more flexible?

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On the advice of this site, I bought a TPS intermediate OPS. A signficant improvement over what I was previously using.

As the stick gets used more and more, will it become more flexible or will the flex remain constant for the life of the stick?

Thank you.

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I have noticed on all my OPS that they have become more flexible, almost like they lost their kick to them. They are not broken however.

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Basically any material will become more flexible after a while depending of of how much and how often it is used/stressed but usually OPS will break before you notice a significant increase of flex. Although I have to admit that especially TPS shafts seem to have a tendency to become "soft". At least my R2XN10´s were like that.

Edit: I can only speak about 100 Flex and above. My guess would be that intermediate and junior might become soft sooner.

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I have to agree with SR 27 that TPS sticks tend to "break in" in the most. I had a regular flex XN10 that ended up feeling like it was a whip flex.

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On the advice of this site, I bought a TPS intermediate OPS. A signficant improvement over what I was previously using.

As the stick gets used more and more, will it become more flexible or will the flex remain constant for the life of the stick?

Thank you.

Definetly Yes

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I had:

04 Synergy (silver) 100 flex --> 80 flex

04 Synergy (silver) 100 --> 75

05 SL 100 -->85

Apollo 102 --> 90

Response (yellow) stiff --> a little whippier than reg

Response+ (red) stiff --> reg

Vapor XX 102 --> 90

I would agree that my TPS broke in the most, as they were the shortest used of all the sticks listed. Most of the wear happened after the conversion to tapered shaft.

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