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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kind of odd keeping in mind your experience in the game.

Meaning, by now your foot should be used to the type of stress placed upon it by a skate. Not sure about yours, but in some skates you can shave the arch down.

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Kind of odd keeping in mind your experience in the game.

Meaning, by now your foot should be used to the type of stress placed upon it by a skate. Not sure about yours, but in some skates you can shave the arch down.

Thats what most people have been saying. it is kind of odd. and the pain has only the started in the last month.

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yeah dude thats ours arch.  i have high arches, and i am thinkin about buying these

i have arches so high that i cant wear normal shoes.  i have to get running shoes, or shoes with very good arch support and wear power step insoles, or else my feet will be dead in pain.

try losening your laces over your arches first.

How would you know if you have a ''high'' arch? I think I do but not sure..

about 3 years ago i had this amazing pain in my ankles, from just walkin around in my shoes. went to a foot doctor, and they said i had high arches.

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