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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Riveting Ice Holders vs. Inline Chassis

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Could someone clue me in on the difference between the dies needed for mounting holders as opposed to inline chassis?

I have the chance to get an older Riveter on the cheap so I'm curious about a couple of things. Are the dies different because the size of the tubular rivets are different? If so, then how?

My other question is since I've seen some real hack mounting jobs on custom inlines, are there ANY advantages to mounting a chassis with all copper? It would seem to me it'd just make the skates heavier. Is it easier to rivet copper?

Thanks in advance. I've read the other items listed about riveting from JR and couldn't get the answers I was looking for.

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Well, copper rivets are stronger, and I believe they dont rust. But dont qoute me on the second one. I dont think the weight differnce would be noticable, at all.

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Inline dies are longer, but you can use the ice ones. I've never used the inline ones. Rivets are the same.

Copper is easier, but steel will hold better as it hooks into the sole.

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When I got my flyweights made into roller skates I went to a shoe repair guy and he did all copper, they held up well for a season or two but the little washers started to pop off and my lhs finally started doing roller stuff so I took them there for a remounting. All in all I do not recomend the all copper route.

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Well, it looks like I'm getting that riveter but now I have a new issue to be confused about... Rivet size.

Steel come on size 6 through 16... Can anyone fill me in on what the numbers mean? Longer tube body? Larger radius? both? Is it the same deal with coppers? Any experianced guys like JR who can recommend which sizes I should be using for mounting TUUKS and inline chassis? I plan on doing some real misaligned ugly work until I get a feel for this but I'd rather not complicate matters by using the wrong rivets... Thanks in advance!

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Those numbers correspond to the length. Smallest rivet will be 5/16" or #5 all the way to 16/16" which is 1".

Coppers come in two thicknesses.

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Thanks JR... The coppers come in #9 and #10 so the 10 thickness is the kind you say you see a lot of on skates coming in from China (the ones that are hard to remove)? I ended up ordering #9 (1 1/4") and #10 (1") in coppers and #8, #10, and #14 steel rivets... Do you find that you have a general steel size you find yourself using on most skates?

Thanks again!

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Where are you ordering the rivets from. I am having a hard time finding the proper rivets.

Thanks in advance


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I ordered from CH Anderson Sports. They were really nice, had good prices compared to what some other jokers in Canada were quoting me (don't even bother calling Blackstone, their Riveter looks pretty much the same as the Battco that most of these places sell but they tack on like +$400 and gave me a real hard time). Shipping costs for the riveter, a full compliment of steel and copper rivets and some other misc stuff was only $20 bucks. They shipped my order that day too... not bad.

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