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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I doubt any ref in the world would call you for that! :P

Anywayz it doesnt take away any of the "Real" saftey

Wow your not the smartest tool in the shed are you...I have seen a guy loose the bottom of his ear from a puck so yah it has a huge thing to do with safety. As for the refs in Florida or where ever you may be I bet you this year you will see it called they are cracking down on those things. Here in Canada you now must also wear your chin strap tighter and the face mask tight to your face in our league or you will be called. And it was last year.

Funny thing why risk your health for looks?

He is not talking about the ear piece, he is talking about the clear piece of plastic that is held on by the adjustment screws.

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I doubt any ref in the world would call you for that! :P

Anywayz it doesnt take away any of the "Real" saftey

Wow your not the smartest tool in the shed are you...I have seen a guy loose the bottom of his ear from a puck so yah it has a huge thing to do with safety. As for the refs in Florida or where ever you may be I bet you this year you will see it called they are cracking down on those things. Here in Canada you now must also wear your chin strap tighter and the face mask tight to your face in our league or you will be called. And it was last year.

Funny thing why risk your health for looks?


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