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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Skates, baby! (Pure Lites + MG)

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So I'm on a roll selling stuff, and I decided to splurge on some new skates. I've got two sets of new wheels, bearings popping out of the wazzoo, and two types of chassis coming in, Mission MG and E-Frames. I'm trying to decide on a boot.

I like the Pure Lites, I saw them on a website for 200. This way, I could quite possible get a very nice looking skate, something similar to the D-Limited.

I'm still not sure, though. I'd like to find another boot of some sort; this is where you guys come in. Was the Pure Lite top of the line? If so, I'm going for it, or maybe what you guys suggest.

Right now, my choice is the Pure Lite + Mission MG Chassis, compliments of Sassmasta. I've got some Rink Rat Hot Shots, and Mission titanium 9s.

What do you all think?

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Mission MG chassis should be used on top-of the line.

Would recommend the CCM vector Pro Ice skate ($270 of hockeymonkey)

I had them as rollers and they were very nice and held up well as a conversion skate.

Would be a super skate in my book for a decent price.

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I was also thinking about the v=Vectors. I was a big fan of the Externos, myself, and the Vectors seem to have some of the same technologies.

However, I've stumbled across the facts of my life; I live on warranty. Without warranty, I would have no items to sell on ebay. Without those items, I would have no money. Without money, no skates, and likewise.

"This is why you can't have nice things," is something I should be hearing a lot by now.

I'd love custom skates, but I'd end up spending about 400 for them. I'll just go with some more Missions.

Thanks, anyways though, Patrick. Maybe I can make these and sell them on eBay. Who knows? B)

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You can get some S500's for real cheap these days, I would try and get some of those. I had pureflys that I made roller and they were awesome. Best setup I ever used. Pretty much a D-limited just without the dna lacing on the bottom and other minor diffences

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Believe it or not, I'm actually a big fan of the new Chassis shape. The old one was awesome, but some people were breaking the support beams that held the chassis upright.

To be more clear, the vertical spots where holes were cut out.

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