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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan


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Guest phillyfan


Interesting site. Makes you think about your life and the way you are living it. The Remote Viewing topic really caught my interest, next trip to the library I am checking out a few books. It's really weird involving the CD. I remember seeing that on MTV's website a long time ago, never thought about it...

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I dunno, I personally don't buy it especially the remote viewing thing. If the earth was going to end that soon don't you think the government would do something, or that average astronomer would notice and blow everything to the press?

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Guest phillyfan

Well, if the government did make a big fuss over the Meteor predicted to strike Earth in 2012, there would be no peace in the world whatsoever in my opinion. Everything that could go wrong would go wrong, people would go nuts, there'd be robberies, murders, everything. Not even the police would be able to do anything, they'd be just as worried and paranoid as everyone else. And astronomers have noticed and seen the Meteor, I hear something about it in the news every so often. I can believe the remote viewing, all it really is is a very deep and hipnotic state of meditation. People have been doing that for thousands of years, Jesus and the Prophets have been believed to have been capable of it. Physics may be a form of remote viewing as well. If you have ever been to one, it's freakishly scary. My parents went to a physic a while ago, and almost 90% of the predictions have come true.

Eric- I guess we both are on somethin! ;)

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  EricG. said:
Buying it will only make you crazy.
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Exactly. Speaking of government concpiracies, my dads friend is this crazy concpiracist. He had a radio show, that was gaining popularity and then was kicked off. His theory for being given the boot: George W. was complaining to Chretien that this guy was revealing too much. I think this kind of stuff is more humour then truth.

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  hockey_player_11 said:
  EricG. said:
Buying it will only make you crazy.
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Exactly. Speaking of government concpiracies, my dads friend is this crazy concpiracist. He had a radio show, that was gaining popularity and then was kicked off. His theory for being given the boot: George W. was complaining to Chretien that this guy was revealing too much. I think this kind of stuff is more humour then truth.

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That made me laugh pretty hard. It reminded me of King of the Hill. Made me think that your father's friend was Dale Gribble. He even had a radio show that only talked about conspiracies.

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Not one of the newer episodes. I sounds exactly like what you were saying. Except he sold it to that Mexican guy.

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  EricG. said:
  hockey_player_11 said:
  EricG. said:
Buying it will only make you crazy.
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Exactly. Speaking of government concpiracies, my dads friend is this crazy concpiracist. He had a radio show, that was gaining popularity and then was kicked off. His theory for being given the boot: George W. was complaining to Chretien that this guy was revealing too much. I think this kind of stuff is more humour then truth.

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That made me laugh pretty hard. It reminded me of King of the Hill. Made me think that your father's friend was Dale Gribble. He even had a radio show that only talked about conspiracies.

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When homer was Mr.X and had that website. :rolleyes:

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