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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is it possible to get replacement Palm from bauer?

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I would have to check the NBH price list, but palms have been offered in the past - but they were usually the Durasoft palm.

EDIT - it's not on Bauerbiz, however, have your LHS call and see if they can order it.

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alright, thanks you JR.

I would like to get another pair of glove but after 2 years of using the strech palm, i feel like i couldn't move to another palm than these!

If i don't have enough money to afford new glove, i would like to get new palm.

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another palm related question i wanted to know I just used for the first time tonight a new pair of tps gloves i got and this is quoted from the glove description. "All new Nash Clarino "No Seam" palm on index and pinky stops irritation and gives players a better "feel" and prolonged life of palm." The palm is very soft and i can feel the stick real good through my gloves and i like the feel a lot but i have a feeling eveytime i put them on Im just gonna rip a whole in them i know it says prolonged life but i want to know how true that is from any past experiances i wanted to know if how long these actually hold up?

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i remember emailing someone at BNH about Vapor XX palms and they said they don't sell these and said they recommend you just take your gloves to your LHS and get them repalmed with their DuraSoft.

BTW, is Durasoft the stuff on the SDP gloves?

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