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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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lightest cage ever

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last night i felt the lightest cage ever. Im not sure if it was an itech or mission model because i wasn't concerned with that once i felt how light it was. I believe its mission but the cage is pure titanium and is no joke the lightest cage i have ever felt. I put the cage up to my face and all the bars are in the right places so they dont block your vision. I would higly reccomend it to anyone who is either in need of a new cage or wears one!

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last night i felt the lightest cage ever.  Im not sure if it was an itech or mission model because i wasn't concerned with that once i felt how light it was.  I believe its mission but the cage is pure titanium and is no joke the lightest cage i have ever felt.  I put the cage up to my face and all the bars are in the right places so they dont block your vision.  I would higly reccomend it to anyone who is either in need of a new cage or wears one!

Hi welcome to MSH and all, but here we have a thing called the search function at the bottom of a page, we encourage all to use it

the cage you were talking about is the Itech RBE VIII Ti cage

Welcome to MSH!

Edit: Damn! Edge beat me to it

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Hi welcome to MSH and all, but here we have a thing called the search function at the bottom of a page, we encourage all to use it

I thought it was at the top of the page... :blink: ;)

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