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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XX's to L7's

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I'm looking at getting a pair of the L7's but the problem is of the 2 LHS here in my town neither carries Mission anything! So my question is that my Vapors in a 9D are a little tight in both length and width so my question is would the 9 or 9.5 be better and would the EE be too wide and too much of a difference from the D width in the Bauers?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!


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you said D in the vapor was too tight, EE in mission might do the trick and try going for 9.5 if you feel too tight length-wise in the bauer. 9.5 EE would be your best bet.

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I ordered a pair of Missions (through my LHS) about 2 weeks ago and I had to go up a size from the bauer 8090s I had. I was 6.5 in 8090s and moved to a 7.5, and the 7.5 still felt a bit snugger than the 8090s.

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