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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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did anyone on here go? it started at 10am this morning runs till 6 tonite. i was there at about 745, 5th person in line. pretty decent selection. i ended up getting a lombardi SL for 75, a brand new Leopold m-1 painted like a hex-1 for 65, and a langkow XXX lite which had a broken blade for 20.

also got a pair of langkow vapor xx gloves, for 75, brand spankin new :lol:

1 tinted and 1 non tinted straight pro itech visors for 15bucks each. the tinted was brand new the other was slightly dirty, but still great condition.

and 2 pairs of kobasews socks for 2 bucks.

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By the time I got in there at 11:00 am there was nothing of any real interest to me. It pissed me off that there were guys with laundry baskets with 5 pairs of gloves in them, 4 different pairs of skates to try on and 3 pairs of pants hung over their shoulder when you know that they are going to turn around and sell the gear they don't want for themselves on ebay.

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everything was really well priced though. nothing really over priced, cept a pair of nike skates which went for 350.

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