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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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this morning at practice, on eof the last things we did was play soccer. 3 vs 3, inside the blue line with 2 goals facing each other. we played without our sticks, but with everything else. it was full check.

it helped me alot, becuase i was playing agianst a lot of midgets(im a bantam) as i am not used to checking. it helped me get used to taking hits, and giving them.

Just an idea, as it was fun, and it helped.

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We played hockey soccer at a mini rink once...made for some good laughs. Man if you want to have fun though, try playing Lacrosse on ice. That's a blast.

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Your a bantam and not used to hitting? ;)

That's all I did in bamtam was go around hitting people.

By bantam you should be used to hitting. Unless your not playing at a high intensity level. Maybe you play house, so sorry to gang on you like I did if so. But if your travel, and playing bantam, you shouldbe very well used to it.

Canadian Made- didn't need that comment.

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Your a bantam and not used to hitting? ;)

That's all I did in bamtam was go around hitting people.

By bantam you should be used to hitting. Unless your not playing at a high intensity level. Maybe you play house, so sorry to gang on you like I did if so. But if your travel, and playing bantam, you shouldbe very well used to it.

Canadian Made- didn't need that comment.

no i havent played travel before, played full check for not that long though

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Well that explains it, if you were playing travel it would be very wierd. Sorry if I came down too hard.

o it doesnt matter, i started playing ice a little late. started in non competitive roller for 3-4 years, than ice for 3-4 years, and im bulkin up this summer.

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