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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Stores in Oshawa

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Im over here on holiday and i was looking for some new sticks, any one know any stores about here to fit my needs? I went to the sportchek in the Oshawa Centre mall thing but they only had lindros pattern in the xxx lite, but ill proabably end up gettin a stick from there.


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Im over here on holiday and i was looking for some new sticks, any one know any stores about here to fit my needs? I went to the sportchek in the Oshawa Centre mall thing but they only had lindros pattern in the xxx lite, but ill proabably end up gettin a stick from there.


umm iyour best bet would be.... go to the national sports there its good and they have some decent prices also some pro stock stuff if your interested in pro stock.

heres the link has the phone number and everyhintg even has alittle map hope this helps



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Thanks man

no problem there hould be some more hockey shops there just ask a guy whos working at nat sports he will gladly tell you where another store is.

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Kool, i really want an ak27 combo and was kinda bummed when i walked into sportchek and they had nothing, they had pro stick fischer st's, ill proabaly pick one up but i still want an ak27 and a xxx lite

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Kool, i really want an ak27 combo and was kinda bummed when i walked into sportchek and they had nothing, they had pro stick fischer st's, ill proabaly pick one up but i still want an ak27 and a xxx lite

they had pro stock sticks? :huh: they never have any pro stock stuff well atleast where i live.. how much were they? and yea national sports will have ak27 and xxx lite...well they should.

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Kool, i really want an ak27 combo and was kinda bummed when i walked into sportchek and they had nothing, they had pro stick fischer st's, ill proabaly pick one up but i still want an ak27 and a xxx lite

they had pro stock sticks? :huh: they never have any pro stock stuff well atleast where i live.. how much were they? and yea national sports will have ak27 and xxx lite...well they should.

Just fischer st's, they were 129 im gonna get one tomorrow and fonya were bouts are they?

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