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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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suggestions on how to patch a hole in my gloves

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i picked up a pair of breiner RBK gloves this weekend, $20! But they have a quarter size hole on the corner of one of the palms, what can you all suggest as to how to patch that up?

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lol, I seriously used duct tape on my gloves. I put some on the inside and then on the outside and it's still holding up after a couple months!

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theres a leather shop across the street that i have do my golves, and my brothers leg pads, blocker and glove. its fairly cheap. check out one of your local leather shops

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Being in the glove repair business for quite a while I can say with total honesty that most patch jobs end up being not worthwhile. When I would do a patch they were usually back for a repalm in a couple months anyway.

Spend your money so you get the best long term value-I would just get that 1 re-palmed

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