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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ESPN 360 is broadcasting the world cup, live

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I am at work today, I get an e-mail from a friend, telling me he just downloaded espn360 to his desktop. So I take a looksee, and see that you can download it, and if you are a verizon subscriber, you use your e-mail/password to log in, and can access live broadcasts.

I have it running in the background as its showing all the worldcup games that espn are broadcasting.

Just thought I would pass on the info in case there are any other footy fans stuck at work who want to see the games.


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For all the Euro's out there. I was thinking of subscribing to the NHl package on ESPN 360. Does anyone on here subscribe to it, and are you satisfied?

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