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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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grip coating...

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hey guys just picked up my first Grip coated Easton SL, just wondering how I might be able to get the grip off ,I live in Toronto good deal on the stick and found out it was grip no worries........hope it comes off though?

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Just use it, it will come off in two practices anyways.


yea, 2 slapshots and you should clear off about 30% of the grip.

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The worst part is that you will start to get used to it.. then it will come off.

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hey guys just picked up my first Grip coated Easton SL, just wondering how I might be able to get the grip off ,I live in Toronto good deal on the stick and found out it was grip no worries........hope it comes off though?

where abouts did u get it? how much? im looking for a new stick.

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i'm not sure if this works with the grip but it worked to take the paint of my SL. I just wrapped the entire thing in clear tape pushed it down as flat as possible then pulled the tape off, and all the paint came right off.

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Just use it, it will come off in two practices anyways.


yea, 2 slapshots and you should clear off about 30% of the grip.

But by then the blade will be broken so you won't have to worry about the grip.

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