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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Captain Kirk Back In Mtl

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Kirk Muller is the new assistant coach to Guy Carbonneau. It's nice to see the old guys come back to Montreal. Let's just hope that doesn't back fire like the Mario Tremblay and Rejean Houle era, what a disaster that was.

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Well, let's just say that it's a bad mix or something. The talented players have no hearth and the players that have heart have next to no talent... That's the main problem. If Kovalev could play hard every game or at least 3 out of 4 games, that would be a good start. I wish I could transplant Steve Begin's or Francis Bouillon's heart into Kovalev.. we'd have a super player right there!!

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That was Mike Ribeiro, not Kovalev who did that during the playoffs against Boston. And that incident my friend turned the series around and Montreal came back to win.

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That was Mike Ribeiro, not Kovalev who did that during the playoffs against Boston.  And that incident my friend turned the series around and Montreal came back to win.

Hold on, are you defending Ribeiro's actions? If I remember correctly, absolutely everything about that series was embarassing.

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Ribeiro acting like a fish out of the water was embarrassing alright but what was even more embarrasing this year was Ribeiro's poor play.. granted he didn't seem to be in Julien or Gainey's good grace either though. He's got to wake up and smell the coffee or he'll be joining his good friend Pierre Dagenais in the minors... which brings me to the Dagenais case.. his first season he kept saying, ahh you journalists all say that I'm slow and all but look at my season so far, I'm doing good, racking up points and shit.. yeah Pierre, that was in the old clutching and grabbing NHL.. You should have shut your mouth when you had the chance cause in the new NHL we trully saw how slow you were and that you just couldn't keep up with the play. Same can be said about Ribeiro. He better work on his skating this summer cause that guy has a hard time keeping up too...

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I'm not defending Ribeiro at all, I'm saying that the incident turned the series around. What he did was dumb and I have always hatted Ribeiro.

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It's not they are a bad team, they lost against the stanley cup champions or the finalist in the last 3 years(Carolina, Tampa, Carolina).

and they were winning 2-0 in the series before Koivu got hurt and Carolina PP went crazy. All the game they lost were 1 goal game. BTW.

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