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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Excessive drinking

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This sounds gross but sucks. We were on vacation in Florida and my son wasn't drinking enough fluids. So he got dehydrated and all this crap and couldnt eat, had migranes, and had diarrhea (Viral Infection). It ruined his vacation and we ended up going to the hospital. my son is 11.................. Lesson learned kids, DRINK WATER

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It's not entirely through. If you watch tennis matches on a regular basis you'll see that the players, specially in best of 5, eat a banana during their short breaks. They usually take a bite or two, then some water, water mixed with orange juice and salt. You never see them drink gatorade and all that crap. A pro tennis player usually spend more energy in a match than a hockey player will in a game. The problem with sports drinks like Gatorade and Powerade is the amount of sugar they contain. Same with energy drinks and bars. To much sugar. You are much better off eating some whole wheat pasta and some lean protein an hour or two before game time than having one of these bars or drinks. If you take the drinks to energize you before a game, skip it and drink a coffee instead. It's much cheaper and will give you pretty much the same effect, granted the taste may not be as good as et artificially flavored drink but you'll reek the same benefits for way less money. Here the Red Bulls and such go for 3 to 4$ a can (250ml) while a coffe is a 1.25$. There is lots of hype around sports and energy drink but they don't really do much for you and certainly don't replace real food and good eating habits... ask any nutrionists and they'll tell you that you'll be much better off eating well balanced meals and snacks before and after your games and/or workouts than taking energy drinks and bars, sports drink or whey protein for that matter

Tennis players actually do drink gatorade--saw Roddick do it yesterday. But if you watch they just don't power down one--they will take a few sips. And the sugar you say is so bad for you after is actually how you get carbs in the drinks which you need after. I think it's ok to drink a little gatorade during a game, match, etc but drink mostly water because it hydrates and won't weigh you down. Gatorade is important after because of the electrolytes, etc. Nobody eats a balanced meal after they have physically exhausted themselves--the body craves fluids not 4 chicken breasts. Maybe 3-4 hours after you play that is ok. Of course nutrionists are going to tell you to eat a well balanced meal that is what they are paid to tell you. But not everybody has time to do that and want to calculate how much protein, etc. Whey protein is a "supplement" to your normal eating.

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My best friend actually overdosed on water while we were just sitting arround. Its a real scarry thing to see I kinda freaked out when It happend b/c I never thought you could actulally overdose on water.

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My best friend actually overdosed on water while we were just sitting arround. Its a real scarry thing to see I kinda freaked out when It happend b/c I never thought you could actulally overdose on water.

what do you mean overdose?

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My best friend actually overdosed on water while we were just sitting arround. Its a real scarry thing to see I kinda freaked out when It happend b/c I never thought you could actulally overdose on water.

What symptoms did he suffer? Hoe much water did he drink and for how long/in what amount of time?

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