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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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eagle x50 opinions

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I've got a pair of old X50is and I really like them for mobility. They're not as protective as other gloves though, no plastic inserts. They broke in real nice for me though. I don't use them anymore because the fingers are to short and I bruised them easily when I go into the boards. Also I found that they weren't as loose as the X70 model (I've had both). I'd recommend them.

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I love mine. The wrist is loose fitting, so if that's the feel you want from a glove, then it's the right choice. Even though there aren't any plastic inserts, I haven't had a problem with slashes, as I've never had a hand injury wearing the x50. I have some Sherwood gloves with inserts that a got a sprained thumb from a one handed slash.

Break-in on these was about 20 minutes on the ice, they are so nice. Try them on in the shop and hold a stick in your hand, if you like the way they fit then buy them.

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