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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Good Hockey Stores

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i live in winnipeg, nuthing really too amazing but there are a few shops in winnipeg that r decent. Check out royal sports theres 2 of them, warrens corner, and if ur desperate theres a sportchek

ps. the hookers r nasty ne ways

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hey sorry to bring up an old thread, but I am from North Dakota, goin up to winnipeg next weekend, and wanted to check out some of the stores up there....but not sure where they are located at....i somewhat know my way around the city, but if someone could kinda explain the locations of the stores that would be great

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Check out the kings/royal sports on Pembina like they said, also Sports trader's further down pembina has lots of decent stuff too. You should also check out Warren's Corner sports, I'm not 100% sure on the location of that one but I've shopped there plenty of times before.

Royal is a monster store with a whole warehouse dedicated to hockey. Also if your into the whole skateboarding or clothing they have heaps of everything, it's where I do pretty much all my clothes shopping.

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