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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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V-14/8k/7k shins

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I found some good information in the 6k/V-11 thread but want to know more about the top end pads. I enjoyed the fit and protection of my 14†V-12s, but the knee caps cracked and I’m in the market for new shins. I’m considering V-14s, 7ks, or 8ks, other recommendations are welcome. Which pad offers the best protection and mobility, weight is not a concern as long the pad is mobile. I’m a defenseman, 5’8â€-5’9â€, wear my shins outside of my skate, and play 16AA and HS varsity AA.

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Depends how how wide your legs are. I had V-10's? (the orange ones) got some V-14's, but were kind of narrow. I went to synergy's and they have been the best. V-14s are solid, though. Great pads.

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Jofa/Reebok 7K's or 8K's are the best on the market. Their used by more than 95% of pro hockey players. Enough said. ;)

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