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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1st in a series of a lot of questions :)

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my first post! thanks to the mod for approving my


im flat footed...

ive been hearing all sorts of different insoles will help me...

however... many of these are not available locally...

what im seeing are mostly dr scholl's, sof soles and some

other common insoles that are not really designed for hockey...

im not from the states so hockey is not that common here...

im looking at the gel insoles since they seem to be very soft on the feet...

no shock doctors here... or whatever...

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my first post! thanks to the mod for approving my


im flat footed...

ive been hearing all sorts of different insoles will help me...

however... many of these are not available locally...

what im seeing are mostly dr scholl's, sof soles and some

other common insoles that are not really designed for hockey...

im not from the states so hockey is not that common here...

im looking at the gel insoles since they seem to be very soft on the feet...

no shock doctors here... or whatever...

well hockey is more popular in canada than in the states anyway. welcome to MSH.

look at any online retailer such as epuck.com. shock doctor is a good brand of hockey insoles. you want to stay away from insoles like dr. scholls that are designed to cushion. this will take the power out of your stride. hockey insoles need to be pretty much thin and hard.

like i said on epuck.com, they have some shock doctor's insoles that have an adjustable arch so that might help you... click here

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how much power is lost in the stride? a lot? coz im in the "learning to skate good phase" and i think... lost power is not that important yet to me... unless of course... it would give me bad habits in the long run...

buying online? its quite impossible for me... they charging me $90 for shipping for a small product... im on the opposite side of the world...

where there are very few people who play hockey...

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grey superfeet. nuff said.

I have to agree. The grey superfeet insoles are awesome. I'm not flat footed so I can't speak directly to that issue. But I will say that the grey super feet insoles are lightyears ahead of the others that I tried (the stock CCM's that came with my skates, dr scholls , shock doctors). They are not soft, in fact they're fairly thin and rigid. But as I found out, its not about how soft they are, but what kinda of support they give and where. You can put cotten balls in your skates and they'd be soft as a cloud. But if they don't support your foot where they need it, they're worthless and could even make it worse.

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buying online? its quite impossible for me... they charging me $90 for shipping for a small product... im on the opposite side of the world...


Try here

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its still expensive from there... im in asia... the only way for internet sites to send me stuff is through fedex... which can really kill you in terms of price... the price of the superfeet still go to over $100...

im looking at either...






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