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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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boot problem

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you did have a pro bake it right?? you didn't bake it yourself did you? sounds like they left it in there too long and it melted the material. was the skate bake-able to begin with?

did you squirm your ankles around while it was being baked? that can really screw them up.

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THat mission line is bakeable -- and using a skate bake or baking with your oven wouldn't cause them to go soft...

The 2005 line of missions has been a huge let down for a lot of people as far as boot breaking down and going soft so quickly... I would think that's the issue.

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I hate to say this but the 05 Missions were total crap and I am a huge mission fan. They were designed to be light and they are but they went soft very quick. Keep an eye out on the sides of your boot, then tend to bend in an leave a horrible crease then start to crack. Thankfully Mission replaced my 950's for the new 9500's. I have never been more happy with a boot than the current missions.

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