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T-Blade Runner Hollow Question

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I've been skating on t'blades for a little while now and just feel the 13 hollow is not sharp enough. I recently placed an order for a stick and some other stuff and one item I ordered was t'blade runners in 15 that was supposedly shipped today. Before I made the move to t'blades I had the cobra holders on my Graf 705 skates and always used 1/2" hollow and according to Hockey Monkey where I ordered 15=1/2" but after looking around on the internet I've found that 15 equals around 3/4". It looks like everybody has a different scale and no shop around here carries T'blade products so I can't go through LHS. Will my runners be what I want/need?

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.5 inch = 12.7mm

The "Long 13" should be the closest match.

15mm will be more shallow than the 13 that you've been using and will not bite as much if you're using the same rocker length. If you want it to bite more, you should be using an 11mm.

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Bah! I knew that would end up being the way they worked out. That's what I get from listening to Hockey Monkey I guess, lol. I guess I'll order some more. I think I'll order the 13 Long and 11 to see how I like that, I've been using 13 Medium and its just not enough. Thanks for the help

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Bah! I knew that would end up being the way they worked out. That's what I get from listening to Hockey Monkey I guess, lol. I guess I'll order some more. I think I'll order the 13 Long and 11 to see how I like that, I've been using 13 Medium and its just not enough. Thanks for the help

The long will feel like it is biting less than the medium.

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I've been very happy with my M-11 and S-11(well i found that small wasn't lasting enough long, that why i came back to M runner).

If your ice is really hard, i would even suggest 9(it also vary from your weigth!)

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I'm going to order a set or 2 of M 11's then. I weigh around 185-90 and 1/2" is what was suggested to me by they guy that used to sharpen my skates back in Houston and I've just been using it since for about 4-5 years. But I weighed 20-25lbs less then and I'm just starting back up after almost 2 years. Any suggestion on what hollow would be good for my weight?

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If M 13's aren't enough then M 11's should be perfect. I weigh 265 and am using 13's and they bite a lot and I can't see myself using 11's as I'm afraid half the ice sheet would just come appart while putting on the breaks on the ice :D

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I've been very happy with my M-11 and S-11(well i found that small wasn't lasting enough long, that why i came back to M runner).

If your ice is really hard, i would even suggest 9(it also vary from your weigth!)

I figured from gaining weight to bring me up to 190lbs a shallower cut would be fine, but I failed to take into consideration where I used to live. Houston, TX is ALWAYS hot, winter basically does not exist and humidity is usually in the 90% range so we always had softer ice rink to rink, some were better than others which allowed me to have a shallower cut which at most times felt too deep to begin with. I recently moved to the Chicago area and from the 2 rinks I've skated at here the ice was extremely hard and even using a sharper hollow than I was used to basically did nothing for me. So I'm hoping the 11's will correct this problem. Skating with the 13s was ok the first couple public sessions I went for but stopping and my basic endurance felt way low having to put much more power into the ice trying to get to speeds I was at with a shallower hollow before. Maybe for summer that will change once temps rise a bit. At least I'll have the 15s for whenever I visit with my gear in Houston to kick some friends asses.

Thanks for the help everybody

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