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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Vector Shoulder Pad Sizing

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How does it compare to Bauer? I have a pair of Supreme 3000s in Small that are a big snug so I was going to move to a pair in Medium. Now I'm looking at CCM Vector 6.0 LE or the 8.0 and was wondering how the sizing goes. If it helps I'm 5'9" / 190lbs / 40" chest.

Also between the 6.0 and the 8.0 which would be the better way to go? Seems like no added bulk, but I can't see them in person so I have to go by pictures, seems the only difference is Antibacterial material and adjustable neck padding. With a difference of only 15 I figure I might as well go with the 8.0 but figured couldn't hurt to ask.


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I just got the 6.0LE and I like it. I don't see why to bother getting the 8.0 because the big feature is the spine protection. I'd say the sizing runs a bit small, but thats depending on whether you like it tight.

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