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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockeygiant Buy One Get One Free

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I've gotten three emails from hockeygiant administration. One involved buying 100 Kuzak roller hockey wheels and getting 100 free. That was bogus, and I knew it from the start. No one buys that many crappy wheels.

The second one was better, and it seemed right up my alley. It was Buy One Get One free for Bauer Vapor X Blades, in PM9 Hossa, Right Handed. I got 2, and got 2 free, so now I'm selling them.

The third, which I have yet to purchase, is the Bauer Vapor XV Shaft in Senior 87 Flex. I may purchase two, so if anyone is interested, I will have either 3 or 4 for sale. PM me.

Please, if you receive updates from Hockeygiant, post here if you got something similar to this.

And just to help my financial state, in preparation for the new season, I have sold 2 already, but I have 2 more of the above blades from sale for 33 shipped (each) or discounted shipping for both to the U.S. Canadian/International buyers, please contact me.

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i got one that said buy a pair of bauer skates(not sure wich kind, but lower end) get 1 free

6000s i think.

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