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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Explorer Problems

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I've been having difficulties with my computer lately, mainly my internet. Certain sites will not let me log onto. It says there is an error in Explorer and shuts down, Windowsupdaters.com and a few music sites. Hockeyoutlet wasn't working the other night either. I am considering re-installing some components. I've been using Virus scan, Spybot and Bazooka, but nothing seems to help. Bazooka shows there are problems, but there are not in the registry. Is my only option re-installing Windows, or Explorer? If so how would I go about this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. As well I am not overly skilled by any stretch with computers, so please assume I know nothing.

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This exact thing happened to me. I just downloaded mozilla. When i ran the virus scan it kept saying W32 something.

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Most people I know had problems with WIN ME. Installing Mozilla may be a work-around but re-installing all of the software is probably the only real long term solution.

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Uninstalling IE is very difficult and takes some knowledge to do so with anything beyong win98. Just don't use it and you'll be fine.

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Before you do anything radical you might want to try using the Repair tool of IE.

Control Panel

Add/Remove Programs

Highlight Micosoft Internet Explorer in the scroll box

Click Add/Remove

When the pop-up with the radio buttons comes up, select "Repair Internet Explorer"

Restart your computer when it asks you to

If that doesn't work then try using the "Restore the previous Windows configuration" option from that pop-up

If that doesn't work then try something radical :unsure:

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alright I tried Kobe's suggestions, once I highlighter IEfeatUninstall, and clicked remove, well it remove with no pop-ups or anything.

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