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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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squat video

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I found this snooping around on the net. There have been some discussions here lately on squating. I thought this may be of interest. Not sure about the belt, I had been under the impression that he did not wear a belt. Although I know that alot of bodybuilders wear belts for fear of developing their "core" musculature and thus detracting from their show physique. Also not sure about the light yellow pants..... Notice a young Bill Kazmire in the back ground too.


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In my opinion, his legs should definatly be wider apart. It dosen't look like he sits back enough. I can imagine his knee's going past his toes. But he did out squat me by about 250 pounds at the same amount of reps, so what do i know....

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Generally squatters, not power lifters, will squat with feet shoulder width. That makes sense if you are training for real world applications where normally your feet are about sholder width or less when you are doing real world stuff.

If you are doing a full squat, your knees will go past your toes unless you are going to fall backwards. At least I have not found out how to balance that way. Even OLY lifters doing front squats will have their knees out past their toes.

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Generally squatters, not power lifters, will squat with feet shoulder width. That makes sense if you are training for real world applications where normally your feet are about sholder width or less when you are doing real world stuff.

If you are doing a full squat, your knees will go past your toes unless you are going to fall backwards. At least I have not found out how to balance that way. Even OLY lifters doing front squats will have their knees out past their toes.

Powerlifters do not let their knees track beyond their toes, they simply sit back and lift with the posterior chain. The bar stays in line with the knees and feet, you will not fall back.

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Generally squatters, not power lifters, will squat with feet shoulder width.  That makes sense if you are training for real world applications where normally your feet are about sholder width or less when you are doing real world stuff.

  If you are doing a full squat, your knees will go past your toes unless you are going to fall backwards.  At least I have not found out how to balance that way.  Even OLY lifters doing front squats will have their knees out past their toes.

Powerlifters do not let their knees track beyond their toes, they simply sit back and lift with the posterior chain. The bar stays in line with the knees and feet, you will not fall back.

I'll go with most of that. It makes sense as leaning foreword will kill the lower back. However, I have seen personally huge powerlifts where the squatters bend the knees AND drop the shoulders foreword so that their stomachs compress on their thighs to help them rebound up. Powerlifters also use a hugely wide stance. The powerlifters with the very wide stances can actually drop their bellies between their legs. So I guess there is even room for style points here. I have not seen a powerlifter in the training hall or a competition with the heels less than deltoid width apart. Then their toes splay out from there.

It all depends on what your final product is to be. Do you want a 1000# squat? Well God bless you and good luck. You will widen your stance, stick your butt out and pop blood vessels in your eyeballs while training three reps twice a week. If you are training for a sport or just general fitness, your feet will be closer, your butt lower and your reps and training days higher and more frequent.

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