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Spacek Signs With Sabres

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Well this really cripples Edmontons defence and forces them to go out and get a solid defenceman or two if they want to continue last years run. Arguably the two best D for Edmonton in the playoffs are gone and I think this leaves Staois as there top defencemen. Should be interesting to see what Kevin Lowe does now. And once again it seems as though Spacek wanted out of Edmonton, this time because of the lighter travel and time zone changes in the Eastern Conference.

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It does hurt Edmontons defence, but i don't think Spacek really proved himself worthy of all the ice time he got in the playoffs. I cringed every time he was on the ice.

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Spacek is a good #3 or #4 defenseman who is pretty good on the PP and the PK. This is a great signing for the Sabres as defensive depth was a bit of a problem and they had to replace McKee.

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It does hurt Edmontons defence, but i don't think Spacek really proved himself worthy of all the ice time he got in the playoffs. I cringed every time he was on the ice.

I thought there were stretches of time where Spacek was the best player on the ice, he was playing above his head but still he had an amazing playoffs.

You cringed when he was on the ice???? <_< Anytime Statios was on the ice the other team got a great scoring chance usually with an assist from Staios himself

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