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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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8090 heel pain/spur?

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I purchase a pair of 8090's a few months back and got them baked when I purchased them, since then I've gotten the profiled with a forward lean and started using superfeet inside. They feel much more comfortable now than they did before, however I recently started getting a painful bump on the back/side of my left foot.

I guess my question is can/should I rebake them? They seem to fit fine except they are a little loose in the ankles, not super loose-but I can't get them as tight as I like unless I tape them. I'm cursed with flat duck feet and thin ankles, lol.

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My son has very flat feet that causes the calcaneal bone to protrude abnormally in the back. To the untrained eye it looks like a bone spur but on Xray it is not. This is probably part of your condition.

He wheres 8090's with a custom orthotic and he needed to have the heel "punched out" and then have them rebaked. Even with the modification he still requires a small1/8" donut pad with the cut out over the protuberance in order to avoid the pain.

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i have the same problem! When I first wear it, it feels fine, but now, I have been wearing it since Sept, 2005, and it's getting wider and roomyier inside. I have tried to think socks, 2 footbed, and it's still giving me the same thing..

I have no solution yet, I wear a 5.5EE, I guess it's just too big for my feet, tried to get a pair of 5.0D, but it's sold out at hockey giants!

Anyone can help!!

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I think I figured it out. Even with orhtotics my feet pronate more than they should, I think what happened is they got stretched out a little due to the pronantion and my outside heel is rubbing the skate also because of the pronation. I put some gel heel inserts on the inside of my skates and it seemed to help quite a bit. I'm going to try some ankle braces and see if they can help with pronation.

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