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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HitMan: Blood Money

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This is an amazing game for those of you that dont' have it. I'm almost done w/ the normal difficulty and can't wait to replay it on every difficulty. The missions could be played totally different each and every time!

Anyway, I have a question for those that have played it:

In the "You Better Watch Out..." mission (the Rocky Mtn. Grotto), what is the point of the photographer at the fountain and the "bunny" who pretends she'll hump you but kills you instead?

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That games amazing, I have it for 360. I'm not sure if you have got to the end yet, but if you have not, at the end make sure you get up, or you will die. You will get what that means when you get there.

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That games amazing, I have it for 360. I'm not sure if you have got to the end yet, but if you have not, at the end make sure you get up, or you will die. You will get what that means when you get there.

Yeah, I've seen a post on another forum about the ending. I just beat the riverboat mission last night (got the game on Monday and haven't quit playing yet - aside from the work and the gym).

Do you know the two characters I'm talking about? The chick takes you into a bedroom and says "guys are so easy" and she attempts to kill you. The first time I didn't do anything and died. The second time I killed her first. Not sure if she plays a role in the mission somehow.

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I don't really remember what mission that is, seeing as I beat it during an all nighter and don't really remember much.. But i'll replay it and try and tell you.

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