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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worst website ever

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It'll speak for it's self, and i still think i must b in the wrong place on the site, please tell me im doing sumthing wrong on that site. and if im not that site shouldn't even b exsiting

haha i was just on that website cause a fellow msher ed me to there but it was the wrong te but the prices are unreal eh hahaha 199.99 for 03 nike quest gloves hah

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Those are Austrailian Prices, which is a big difference from USD or CND amounts. Plus they most likely have to pay alot for shipping and such.Then add in mark-up. So in reality those prices are not as bad as you think.

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ook well wat the difference from the canadian n australian prices?

well its like england they have to order it from europe so theres duty fees on almost everything

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it's still $750 US for supreme 70 skates

You guys just dont get it. Its that expensive because current currency does not equal 1 to 1. How much do you think it costs a company to ship that amount of equipment half way around the world? Oh yeah, there is also a thing called customs.

North Americans arent going to be buying readily available domestic products from Australian retailers and having them sent back here.

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it's still $750 US for supreme 70 skates

You guys just dont get it. Its that expensive because current currency does not equal 1 to 1. How much do you think it costs a company to ship that amount of equipment half way around the world? Oh yeah, there is also a thing called customs.

North Americans arent going to be buying readily available domestic products from Australian retailers and having them sent back here.

same with the UK

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This thread is awful. Do a bit of research on the topic at hand rather than jumping on it right away. These prices seem bad to Canadian and US members, and it's likely unfair, but its how it is. You need to understand the markets in order to bitch about these prices. You won't be buying from this Australlian site, so why does it matter?

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