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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mission Fuel AG

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No but those are the two biggest fit differences. I believe more info was posted in several of the other Fuel topics.

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I didnt see much more than that posted. Would it be so much of a difference that there could be a problem with ordering without trying them on coming from the s-series? More forward flex is good too. But huge differences that skate baking couldnt help for the ankle and heel problem? Chadd u said u had some right. How are they?

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Baking won't change the ankle depth or fix the heel if it's too wide. And nothing can fix the tongue. You can order them without trying them but I find they do fit a little bit larger. It may or may not make a difference to you.

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Baking won't change the ankle depth or fix the heel if it's too wide. And nothing can fix the tongue. You can order them without trying them but I find they do fit a little bit larger. It may or may not make a difference to you.

They didn't make a difference. The changes were welcome. They feel great. I bought them but did get them a half size bigger than I thought. Can't wait for the first skate. Thanks for the help Chadd.

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